Asbestos Air & Bulk Sampling
Optimum Environmental Solution is a licensed residential and commercial home and building inspection company. Our inspectors are trained to examine roof, chimney, heating, and cooling systems, electrical systems, basements, ventilation, siding, and etc.
We are accredited by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). OES uses EPA approved protocols for each and every inspection. Through bulk sampling and analyses for asbestos content, OES can provide an accurate account of the asbestos containing material problems.
At OES, we are dedicated to providind affordable, reliable, and quick asbestos testing for residential & commercial building clients.
Our commitment is to take every protective measure to ensure you and your family are safe by using most up-to-date best practices and technologies in all of our procedures.
Services Provided:
Third Party Air Sampling Services
Asbestos Inspection Services
Bulk Sampling
Licenses &
NJ State Certified Home Improvement Contractor #13VH07029000
Newark Housing Authority Approved Section 3 Contractor
NJ State Lead Supervisor - Housing & Public Buildings - Permit #024696
Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor Permit #024735
EPA/HUD Renovator, Repair, and Painting Certified #NAT-126297-1
New Jersey State Asbestos Abatement Contractor - License#01227
New Jersey Lead Abatement Contractor - Certificate#00547-A
New York State Asbestos Abatement Contractor - Cert #12-21459
NYS Mold Remediation Contractor Certificate#MR00405
NYS Mold Assessor Certificate#MA00786
New Jersey Certified Asbestos Safety Technician (AST) #01322
EPA Lead Evaluation Contractor Certificate#LBP-126297-2
EPA Lead Abatement Contractor Certificate#LBP-126297-1
NYC Home Improvement Salesperson License License#2051009-DCA
NYCDEP Asbestos Supervisor License#146399
NJ Lead Evaluation Conractor Certificate#00627E
EPA Rsk Assessor Certificate#
NYC MWBE Certification
NYS MWBE Certification
NJ NWBE Certification
NYCSCA MWBE Certification